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What you need to know - Kaipara Rubbish Collection
What you need to know - Kaipara Rubbish Collection

04 November 2023, 8:46 PM

Kaipara (Mangawhai, Kaiwaka etc)To check the day and collection point for your street or road go here🚮 Household Rubbish Collections for KaiparaWestMonday - TeKopuru, Pouto, Glinks Gully, Baylys BeachTuesday - Dargaville Township (excluding Mangawhare)Wednesdays - Ruawai, Kai iwi Lakes, Omamaari, Aranga, Trounson ParkThursday - Mangawhare, Awakino Point, Tangowahine, Tangiteroria, Wahiue RoadEastMonday - Mangawhai* (increased summer collections apply)Tuesday - Tinopai, Matakohe (now includes TeKowhai Rd)Wednesday - Paparoa, Whakapirau, Maungaturoto, Kaiwaka ALL BAGS ARE TO BE ON THE KERBSIDE TO AVOID NON COLLECTIONKerbside rubbish and recycling collection is available to many Kaipara District residents provided by one privately operated company, Kaipara Refuse. Kaipara Refuse (Rubbish and Recycling Collection)Telephone : 09 439 2146Mon – Fri 9am - 3pmDo I have to pay? Collections are User Pays; the collection and disposal fee is included in the price of the pre-paid rubbish bags. The bags are available at most supermarkets and stores across Kaipara, or at Council offices. What bags do I buy? Waste collectors have different coloured bags. You can buy these from your local supermarket, petrol station or dairy. When is my collection? There are weekly, kerbside collections of prepaid rubbish bags and recycling bags, see Rubbish Collection Search.Rural prepaid collectionsSome rural residents need to leave prepaid bags at approved collection points because the waste collectors do not collect from their road.Pre-paid rubbish bags can only be left outside your own property or at an approved collection point.The maximum weight of prepaid bags is 10kg. Rubbish bags should not contain more than 20% recyclables, 20% food waste and no greenwaste.E-Waste ManagementWith the switch to digital television the following link offers more information regarding recycling of unwanted or unusable televisions. Some batteries can be dropped off at a collection point by the front door of Bunnings Mangawhai.What kind of batteries can be recycled at Bunnings Mangawhai store?Our battery recycling units are designed to accept household single use and rechargeable batteries, such as:AA, AAA, C, D, 9V, 6VPower tool batteriesButton cell batteriesOther handheld-sized batteries that fit into the collection unit slotThey cannot accept lead acid batteries, car batteries, products with embedded batteries or other batteries that do not fit into the battery collection unit slot.Contamination from unaccepted battery types or other forms of waste in their recycling unit can be a hazard for our Team and customers. Please ask their Team if you're unsure whether your batteries can be accepted in the unit.How to recycle batteriesIt's easy! Simply bring your old batteries in-store and deposit them in the collection unit at the front entrance. Then, Bunnings recycling partner Envirostream will manage the collection and recycling process.They ask that you tape your batteries before placing them in your local collection unit, as used batteries may still contain residual charge that can create a spark, leading to a potential fire hazard. Preventing this is as simple as using clear sticky tape, non-conductive electrical tape, or duct tape over the exposed battery terminal, or on the top and bottom face for button cell batteries. Please be mindful to keep the battery label information visible if you're not using clear tape.Lightbulb DisposalInternational Waste Limited offers a Compact Fluorescent Recycling Box to dispose of fluorescent lamps that contain mercury. Click here to follow the link.♻ RecyclingWhat you can recyclePAPER -Magazines, biscuit boxes, cereal boxesCARDBOARD - Beer Boxes, Coke Boxes.  The easiest way to tell if it is cardboard or paper is if it goes in the fridge and doesn’t go soggy it is cardboard.ANCHOR WHITE MILK BOTTLES ONLY- Only the Anchor White Milk Bottles (NOT cream bottles)CLEAR MILK BOTTLES ONLY - Clear Milk BottlesCLEAR PLASTIC #1 - Clear Plastic with a #1 eg Coke Bottles, Clear water bottles, Fanta bottlesPLASTIC with #1, #2 and #5 written on itALUMINIUM CAN - If is an Aluminium can if you can crush it with your hand eg coke or lemonade can etcTIN CAN - Tin eg spaghetti, baked beans, coffee tins, milk formula tinsBROWN GLASS - Brown bottlesGREEN GLASS - Green Bottles, Blue BottlesCLEAR GLASS - Clear Bottles, Clear JarsIf your plastics DO NOT have a #1, 2, or 5 on the bottom, unfortunately Kaipara Refuse don’t accept it. They CAN NOT accept #3, 4, 6, 7 and it is classed as rubbish.Things that are NOT Recyclable and go in the rubbish:          Plastic Buckets             Polystyrene       Calf Meal BagsWindow Envelopes      Soiled Paper Towels              Used Coffee Cups  Toilet SeatsIce Cream containers, margarine or butter containers, yogurt containersMeat trays, bakery packaging, vege packagingTetra Pac eg Just Juice Cartons, Milk Cartons                    Coated Paper eg the wrapping of photo copy paper. Magazines are fine and go in paper20 Litre plastic Spray or detergent containersNo Mirrors or Window glass         For a great resource on how to be more sustainable and reduce waste, or for composting workshops check out Sustainable Kaipara

Mangawhai: Expansion of wastewater network capacity set to enter first stages
Mangawhai: Expansion of wastewater network capacity set to enter first stages

04 November 2023, 7:55 PM

Elected Members agreed to commence the first two stages of a multi-year project to increase the capacity of the Mangawhai Wastewater Scheme.Stages one and two of the Mangawhai Community Wastewater Scheme (MWWS) – revised Master Plan Strategy will allow for more connections to the Mangawhai Wastewater Treatment Plant, which would otherwise reach capacity next year, and will kickstart steps to diversify how the town's treated wastewater is dispersed.Kaipara Mayor Craig Jepson says Mangawhai’s population is rapidly growing, and it is essential that the wastewater scheme can accommodate this.“We need to stay ahead of the game and have the wastewater system ready to come onstream when it is needed,” says Mayor Jepson.Stage one consists of further optimising the Mangawhai Wastewater Plant’s performance with the design and implementation of an inDENSE system, increasing the plant’s capacity by 550 to 3,550 connections. This increase will cater for projected growth in Mangawhai to at least 2030, depending on the rate of the growth.Kaipara District Council General Manager of Infrastructure Services, Anin Nama, says the current dispersal of treated wastewater at the Brown Road farm can be improved.Treated wastewater from the plant currently flows some 13 kilometres to Kaipara District Council’s Brown Road farm effluent pond, where it is then irrigated onto paddocks. In stage two, Council will begin concept design and the resource consent process for a new irrigation system for the farm, including subsurface irrigation to specific areas of the Mangawhai Golf Course. Now that Council has approved stage two, discussions regarding the subsurface irrigation can continue with the Management of the Golf Club.“In the future, the farm irrigation system will be reduced, with the majority of treated wastewater flowing a short distance over the hill to Mangawhai Golf Club,” says Anin.“The current spraying operation at the Brown Road farm will be replaced with either a wetland system or subsurface irrigation. This plan was informed by an investigation into farm operations earlier this year.”As of today, the farm’s capacity can only service new connections to the wastewater scheme up until 2026.A sum of $1.8m was provided in the 2021-2031 Long Term Plan and this sum was increased to $2.3m in the 2022/23 Annual Plan. The unspent balance of $1.96m has been carried through into the 2023/24 capital budget and available for the stage one and two works. Stages one and two of the MWWS – revised Master Plan Strategy will be undertaken by Kaipara District Council, prior to the planned transfer of assets to Wai Tāmaki ki Te Hiku, Auckland and Northland’s new water entity, as of 01 July 2024.There are a further three stages to the revised Master Plan Strategy, which will be carried out by the water entity once it goes live next year. Council is working with it on handover of our asset management plan going forward.About the Mangawhai Community Wastewater Scheme – Master Plan StrategyThe Mangawhai Community Wastewater Scheme (MWWS) – Master Plan Strategy sets out a plan for upgrades to Mangawhai’s wastewater network to meet the needs of the town for the next 30 years.MWWS – Master Plan Strategy considers growth projections, peak flows, and the impact of extreme wet weather events on the network.After its initial presentation to Council in February 2022, the Mangawhai Advisory Group (MAG) was established to provide advice on further refinement of the strategy. The MAG met monthly, until its last meeting in September 2022.The Master Plan Strategy, including all five stages, was presented to elected members at the December 2022 Council Briefing at a cost of $90.5 million. At the time, staff advised Council that given the significant investment, an independent peer review to assess the strategy and conduct a value engineering assessment had been commissioned. The peer review by leading experts resulted in a revised solution at a cost of $72 million.View the Council Meeting discussion and decision on the Kaipara District Council YouTube channel (1:35:56 minutes in).

Auckland overnight motorway closures 3–11 November 2023
Auckland overnight motorway closures 3–11 November 2023

04 November 2023, 12:58 AM

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises of the following closures for motorway improvements. Work delayed by bad weather will be completed at the next available date, prior to Friday, 10 November 2023.Unless otherwise stated, closures start at 9pm and finish at 5am.NORTHERN MOTORWAY (SH1)SH1 southbound to SH18 westbound link, 5-6 November (approx. 8:00pm to 5:30am)Northbound lanes between Northcote Road off-ramp and Tristram Avenue on-ramp, 9 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Northcote Road northbound on-ramp, 9 November (approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)Esmonde Road southbound on-ramp, 5 NovemberEsmonde Road (loop) northbound on-ramp, 6 NovemberEsmonde Road northbound off-ramp, 6 NovemberSouthbound lanes between Onewa Road Busway off-ramp and Onewa Road on-ramp, 8 November (approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)Onewa Road southbound off-ramp, 8 November (approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)Onewa Road northbound off-ramp, 6-7 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Stafford Road northbound off-ramp, 6-7 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Curran Street northbound on-ramp, 6-7 NovemberCENTRAL MOTORWAY JUNCTION (CMJ)Northbound lanes between Symonds Street off-ramp and Fanshawe Street on-ramp, 6-7 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Northbound lanes between Symonds Street off-ramp and Wellington Street on-ramp, 5 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Wellington Street northbound on-ramp, 6-7 NovemberSH16 eastbound to SH1 northbound link, 6-7 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH1 northbound to SH16 westbound link, 5-7 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH1 northbound to SH16 eastbound (Port) link, 8 November (approx. 11:00pm to 5:00am)SH1 northbound to SH16 westbound link, 8 November (approx. 11:00pm to 5:00am)Westbound lanes between Wellesley Street East off-ramp and Hobson Street on-ramp, 6-7 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH16 westbound (Port) to SH16 westbound link, 6-7 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH16 westbound (Port) to SH1 northbound link, 6-7 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH16 westbound (Port) to SH1 southbound link, 6-7 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Grafton Road southbound on-ramp, 6-7 NovemberWellesley Street East westbound on-ramp, 6-7 NovemberSOUTHERN MOTORWAY (SH1)Northbound lanes between Greenlane off-ramp and Wellington Street on-ramp, 8 November (approx. 11:00pm to 5:00am)Gillies Avenue northbound on-ramp, 8 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Greenlane northbound on-ramp, 8 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Northbound lanes between Mt Wellington Highway off-ramp and Greenlane on-ramp, 9 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Ellerslie-Panmure Highway northbound on-ramp, 9 NovemberSouth Eastern Highway (SEART) northbound on-ramp, 9 NovemberMt Wellington Highway northbound on-ramp, 9 NovemberEast Tamaki Road northbound off-ramp, 6 NovemberTe Irirangi Drive southbound off-ramp, 6 NovemberNorthbound lanes between Redoubt Road off-ramp and East Tamaki Road on-ramp, 5 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Te Irirangi Drive northbound on-ramp, 5 NovemberRedoubt Road northbound on-ramp, 5 NovemberRedoubt Road southbound off-ramp, 7-8 NovemberSouthbound lanes between Takanini off-ramp and Papakura on-ramp, 8 November (approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)Takanini southbound on-ramp, 8 November (approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)Papakura northbound off-ramp, 5 NovemberNorthbound lanes between Drury/SH22 off-ramp and Takanini on-ramp, 6-9 NovemberPapakura (Diamond) northbound on-ramp, 6-9 NovemberPapakura (Loop) northbound on-ramp, 6-9 NovemberDrury/SH22 northbound on-ramp, 6-9 NovemberNorthbound lanes between Drury/SH22 off-ramp and Takanini on-ramp, 10 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Papakura (Diamond) northbound on-ramp, 10 November (approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)Papakura (Loop) northbound on-ramp, 10 November (approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)Drury/SH22 northbound on-ramp, 10 November (approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)Southbound lanes between Ramarama off-ramp and Bombay on-ramp, 5-9 NovemberRamarama southbound on-ramp, 5-9 NovemberNorthbound lanes between Bombay off-ramp and Ramarama on-ramp, 5-9 NovemberBombay northbound on-ramp, 5-9 NovemberTe Kauwhata southbound on-ramp, 6-10 November (24/7)Te Kauwhata southbound off-ramp, 6-10 November (24/7)Te Kauwhata northbound on-ramp, 3-5 November (24/7)Te Kauwhata northbound off-ramp, 3-5 November (24/7)NORTHWESTERN MOTORWAY (SH16)Southbound lanes between Foster Road off-ramp and Trigg Road on-ramp, 5-9 NovemberSouthbound lanes between Brigham Creek Road Roundabout and Lincoln Road on-ramp, 9 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Hobsonville Road southbound on-ramp, 9 NovemberRoyal Road southbound on-ramp, 9 NovemberSouthbound lanes between Te Atatu Road off-ramp and Patiki Road on-ramp, 11 November (approx. 9:00pm to 6:00am)Te Atatu Road (Loop) southbound on-ramp, 11 November (approx. 9:00pm to 6:00am)Te Atatu Road (Diamond) southbound on-ramp, 11 November (approx. 9:00pm to 6:00am)St Lukes Road eastbound on-ramp, 5-7 November (approx. 10:30pm to 5:00am)UPPER HARBOUR MOTORWAY (SH18)Westbound lanes between Paul Matthews Road and Albany Highway on-ramp, 5-6 November (approx. 8:00pm to 5:30am)Caribbean Drive westbound on-ramp, 5-6 November (approx. 8:00pm to 5:30am)Eastbound lanes between Albany Highway off-ramp and Paul Mathews Road, 6 November (approx. 8:00pm to 5:30am)Albany Highway eastbound on-ramp, 6 November (approx. 8:00pm to 5:30am)SH18 westbound to SH16 southbound link, 9 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SOUTHWESTERN MOTORWAY (SH20)Massey Road southbound off-ramp, 9 November Southbound lanes between Lambie Drive off-ramp and SH1 links, 5 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Lambie Drive southbound on-ramp, 5 NovemberSH20 southbound to SH1 northbound link, 5 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH20 southbound to SH1 southbound link, 5 November (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)

How Christopher Luxon’s NZ First gamble failed
How Christopher Luxon’s NZ First gamble failed

03 November 2023, 8:21 PM

John Hartevelt, Executive Editor, Investigative & Longform JournalismChristopher Luxon practically begged voters to keep Winston Peters out of his government. It didn't work.It could just as well have been John Key in the suit Christopher Luxon filled at Parliament on Friday.An hour after the (almost) final result of the election was announced, the National Party leader breezed into a room at Parliament for a press conference.National had lost two seats. It no longer had the numbers to govern with the ACT Party alone. It must strike a deal with NZ First, a scenario National had given grave warnings about less than a month ago.But no worries, Luxon reckoned. All good, he said. This was what they'd expected - "we'll crack on".National Party leader Christopher Luxon speaks to media after the announcement of the final count of the 2023 election results. Photo: RNZ/ Angus DreaverIt was the kind of pollyanna performance Key gave regularly during his three terms as PM.Luxon had good reason to act like this. His audience isn't just five million people hanging out for a government, but a much smaller group of people in ACT and NZ First analysing his every move. Of course he wants to look, sound and act like it's all under control.But there is no hiding from the fact National desperately wanted to avoid this scenario. The importance of keeping NZ First out of government was one its main closing arguments.Luxon, his deputy Nicola Willis, campaign chair Chris Bishop and even Key, spent the last three weeks of the campaign finding different (and only slightly more diplomatic) ways of saying to voters: 'Please, please, pleeeeeeeeease, don't make us work with NZ First. They're awful.'For a time, on election night, it looked like the gamble might have worked. Now, it's clear that it didn't.Winston Peters Photo: RNZ / Samuel RillstoneOnly one real winnerOn election night, most parties could credibly claim some satisfaction with the result. Of the six parties with seats, only Labour had nothing at all to cheer. The tally of special votes has changed that picture. National and ACT now have a result they both publicly, repeatedly, said they didn't want.National won't have time or the inclination to argue over it now, but it seems likely Luxon's 25 September announcement ruling NZ First in was decisive.In July, NZ First was at 2.67 percent on RNZ's poll of polls. Luxon was still saying, back then, that Peters wasn't likely to make it to Parliament so he didn't have to say if he'd work with him or not.But in early August, a Newshub-Reid Research poll put NZ First at 4.1 percent. This was the beginning of a quick march upwards for the party. With the addition of a dozen more polls up to the eve of election day, NZ First climbed in the RNZ poll of polls after all but one of them.On Monday, 25 September, it broke the crucial 5 percent threshold in our poll of polls for the first time in half a decade. What else happened on that day? Luxon's Facebook video ruling NZ First in as a last resort.NZ First then, was clearly on the way up when Luxon ruled them in. But it sure seems like his comments accelerated the trend.It looks too, like NZ First's gain was ACT's loss in the final weeks of the campaign.This all makes for a fraught backdrop to the talks Luxon, Seymour and Peters are apparently already engaged in.Seymour might blame Luxon for handing Peters an electoral advantage. Luxon might blame Seymour for shedding so many votes in the final stretch. And Peters enters the room in the full knowledge that neither of the other two men want him there.ACT leader David Seymour after the final results were announced for the 2023 election. Photo: RNZ/ Nick MonroMaking it work … somehowSeymour seems to be struggling the most with this. On Friday, he refused to climb down from his earlier remarks about Peters being totally untrustworthy, and described the situation as "unfortunate". He's also been the most willing to talk about the detail of negotiations - he called out some priority areas and even some portfolios in comments on Friday.There has been no contact between ACT and NZ First yet but all three leaders made it clear on Friday that there would be a moment where all parties were represented in the same room at some stage.Luxon will have some egos to bruise in his own party as MPs who would have been hopeful of a ministerial post are forced aside to accommodate slots for NZ First and ACT.It's finding a way to make the policy priorities all fit together that will be harder. This is so tricky because almost anything that comes with a cost will have to be paid for via a sacrifice of something on National's list. There is very little room to move in its fiscal plan.A deal concluded within days, rather than weeks, seems possible only if it omits anything very expensive or complex. Such a high-level agreement, however, would have to survive on the strength of the chemistry between senior members of the three parties. That'd be another, even bigger gamble for Luxon's National Party.This story was originally published by RNZ

Special Votes: National and ACT lose majority in largest ever Parliament
Special Votes: National and ACT lose majority in largest ever Parliament

03 November 2023, 1:21 AM

Special votes have given Te Pāti Māori two more electorates, the Greens an extra list seat, while National loses two MPs.It means National and ACT lose their majority and will need NZ First to form a government.Follow all the latest developments with RNZ's live blog.Labour gets the same number of MPs total, but its wins for Rachel Boyack in Nelson (29 vote margin) and Phil Twyford in Te Atatū (131 votes) mean two who expected to get in on the list - Shanan Halbert and Tracey McLellan - look set to lose their places barring further resignations from sitting MPs.Despite the wins of Takutai Kemp - by just four votes - and Mariameno Kapa-Kingi (517 votes) in Tāmaki Makaurau and Te Tai Tokerau, Te Pāti Māori's slightly larger share of the party vote means the number of overhang seats only increases by a further one seat compared to election night.This means 122 seats total, increasing to 123 after the Port Waikato by-election - making for the largest New Zealand Parliament in history.With National and ACT on 59, they will need Winston Peters' New Zealand First to reach the 62 needed for a majority to form a government in the larger Parliament - giving Peters greater bargaining power in coalition negotiations.National's losses in Nelson and Te Atatū mean its candidates in those seats - Angee Nicholas and Blair Cameron - are out.The Greens bring in Kahurangi Carter as an additional list MP.ACT and New Zealand First's results are unchanged.Party votes:National: 38.06 percentLabour: 26.1 percentGreen Party: 11.6 percentACT: 8.64 percentNZ First: 6.08 percentTe Pāti Māori: 3.08 percentThe turnout for special votes was larger than initially expected, with 603,257 special votes cast (20.9 percent of the total 2,883,412 votes cast) compared to the roughly 570,000 the Electoral Commission projected.This makes for a turnout of 72.8 percent of enrolled voters, which compares to 82.2 percent in 2020 and 79.8 percent in 2017. However, enrolment was up to 94.7 percent, marginally higher than previous years.With some of the final electorate results so close, recounts are possible - with applications required to be filed by next Wednesday, 8 November.

First kiwi chicks in 50 years have recently hatched on Tamahunga
First kiwi chicks in 50 years have recently hatched on Tamahunga

02 November 2023, 7:32 PM

The Tamahunga Trappers and Ngāti Manuhiri are delighted to announce that the first kiwi chicks in 50 years have recently hatched on Tamahunga. After 10 adult kiwi were released into the forest in March this year, the transmitter signal of a male kiwi – Scottie – recently changed from a pattern indicating incubation to one of normal nocturnal activity, before giving some unusual signal combinations. All the birds were fitted with specialised transmitters that monitor their location - and movement; indicating nesting, foraging and how active they are at any given time. A team of Tamahunga Trappers, along with a Kiwi Accredited Handler, tracked the kiwi to capture and check his transmitter. When they found the nest, Scottie ran and hid, not wanting to be caught. On checking the nest to confirm that there was a hatched chick, the team was delighted to see two healthy young chicks snuggled in the nest. Ngāti Manuhiri have gifted the names of Uenuku (Rainbow) and Tohu (gift/sign of something happening) for these new additions to the maunga. As they are twin/siblings, their names together mean: Gifts of the Rainbow. The Tamahunga Trappers would like to take this chance to thank all of the volunteers that do the mahi, trapping predators and tracking the kiwi, the land owners and neighbours who enable the work to continue and also undertaking predator control, as well as a huge thanks to all our partners, sponsors and supporters.Photo credit: Tamahunga Trappers - Kiwi accredited handler holding one of the new kiwi chicks on Tamahunga.Photo credit: Tamahunga Trappers - Scottie with one of his chicks (before he did a runner).Photo credit: Tamahunga Trappers - The two little fluff balls - Uenuku (Rainbow) and Tohu (gift/sign of something happening).

Help stop the spread of exotic caulerpa in Tāmaki Makaurau
Help stop the spread of exotic caulerpa in Tāmaki Makaurau

01 November 2023, 5:57 PM

Two species of exotic caulerpa seaweed (Caulerpa brachypus and Caulerpa parvifolia) have been found in the North of New Zealand, including in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland. This invasive marine pest has the potential to seriously harm and transform our coastal environments.It is critical that all Aucklanders, from boat users to beach goers, understand how to recognise exotic caulerpa, avoid places where we know it's there and know what action to take if it's seen somewhere else.What does exotic caulerpa look like?It's important to know what exotic caulerpa looks like so you can recognise it. If you think you see exotic caulerpa, note the location, take a photo and report it to Biosecurity New Zealand on 0800 80 99 66 or online at caulerpa underwater, 2021. (Photo credit NIWA)Blind Bay beach cast.Where should I avoid going?As of October 2023, exotic caulerpa has been found in these Hauraki Gulf Marine Park locations:Aotea Great Barrier Island: Blind Bay, Whangaparapara Harbour, Tryphena Harbour and southern Port FitzroyAhuahu Great Mercury Island: between Ahikopua Point and Maunganui PointKawau Island: Iris ShoalWaiheke Island: Onetangi Bay and around Thompsons PointIf you are boating, there is no anchoring and fishing in these areas. In the Auckland region, a Controlled Area Notice (CAN) is in place at Aotea Great Barrier Island, legally restricting some boating and fishing activities. Mana whenua have imposed rāhui in Aotea Great Barrier Island​ and Waiheke Island with similar restrictions.If you are out walking on the beach or out on the water, please be vigilant and if you think you see exotic caulerpa, note the location, take a photo and report it to Biosecurity New Zealand on 0800 80 99 66 or online at report.mpi.govt.nzWhat is a rāhui and what does it mean?A rāhui is a Māori principle that restricts or prohibits access to an area or resource to protect the future well-being of the people and natural resources such as the ocean.In addition to the legal Controlled Area Notices (CANs) in place at Aotea Great Barrier Island and Ahuahu Great Mercury Island, mana whenua have also imposed rāhui in these same areas with the same restrictions.Ngāti Paoa has imposed a rāhui at Waiheke Island on disturbing the seabed or anchoring within 1 nautical mile (1.8 kilometres) of Thompson’s Point or Onetangi Bay.Please respect and observe the rāhui.About the incursionsMap of exotic caulerpa locations in the Auckland region.Aotea Great Barrier Exotic caulerpa was first detected in New Zealand at Okupe/Blind Bay by a visiting fisherman and ecologist in 2021. There is an extensive area of exotic caulerpa that extends from Tryphena, into Okupe/Blind Bay and Whangaparapara, and through to the entrance of Port Fitzroy. A technique called suction dredging (using a large vacuum cleaner-like machine) to remove the caulerpa was recently trialled at Tryphena and on the smaller incursion at Port Fitzroy. The treated areas will be monitored in the coming months to help understand the effectiveness of the method.Ahuahu Great Mercury IslandA smaller area of exotic caulerpa has been found at Ahuahu Great Mercury Island. It does not appear to have spread to the level it has at Aotea Great Barrier.Iris Shoal, Kawau IslandExotic caulerpa was discovered during surveying near Kawau Island in 2023. This is patchy coverage across an 18 hectare area. Hand removal has been attempted by NIWA divers but more investigation is ongoing.Waiheke Island There is an established population, first detected at Onetangi Beach, Waiheke Island, in 2023. This is a popular boating location and a rāhui is in place. Further surveys and control efforts are underway. Like at Aotea Great Barrier Island, iwi and community groups are strongly engaged.If you find exotic caulerpa outside of these locations – note the location, take a photo and please report it immediately to Biosecurity New Zealand on 0800 80 99 66 or online at response to this threatThe Ministry for Primary Industries is leading the response to exotic caulerpa, working closely with iwi, community groups and Auckland Council’s marine biosecurity team in Tāmaki Makaurau.The elements of the response are:SurveillanceUnderstanding how far exotic caulerpa has spread and detecting new incursions quickly.ResponseDeveloping a toolbox to combat exotic caulerpa. This can could include hand removal by qualified divers and for larger incursions, a combination of tools such as suction dredging, benthic mats (mats made from jute, hessian or plastic on the bottom of the seafloor) and treatment using chlorine or salt is possible. Research into the effectiveness of these control methods is ongoing.LearningWe have heard from experts in countries that have dealt with exotic caulerpa incursions. Mātauranga Māori is intertwined in this response.As we learn more about how to manage exotic caulerpa, it is hoped that we can slow or stop the spread.Our goal is to protect our moana while further science and technology solutions are developed and scaled up.Visit Biosecurity New Zealand for more information.

Police aim to beef up court prosecution resources with $26m plan
Police aim to beef up court prosecution resources with $26m plan

31 October 2023, 6:04 PM

Phil Pennington, ReporterPolice officers have been diverted away from the frontline, trying to deal with an ever-growing logjam in the courts.The backlog for district court jury trials has doubled in five years, alarming officials that public confidence in the justice system will be undermined.Police play a vital role in court presenting evidence from their investigations, but problems with disclosing evidence on time have led to trials being delayed or even aborted.Police responded with Operation Surge, and the courts themselves with "demand-driven" scheduling, to get more cases heard.But this had strained police prosecution resources, OIA papers showed."Police has had to scale up to support Operation Surge, redeploying a number of frontline staff to support the increase in court time since May 2023," a briefing in July to the police minister said.Even with Police Prosecutions units fully staffed, extra positions created, and bringing in frontline officers, more was needed.So police have now come up with a $26 million, two-year plan for adding 100 staff - 44 new hires - into prosecutions by 2025, on salaries of up to $365,000."This will relieve the pressure of police redeploying constabulary resources to deliver the increase in scheduled hours to address the backlog."Government ministers signed it off in July, despite Treasury stating that a cheaper $21m plan should be looked at.The police plan will take a large chunk out of a 'justice cluster' contingency fund of up to $27m a year. The fund was already under pressure from having to pay $5m compensation for the wrongful conviction of Alan Hall and to upgrade a prison, Treasury said.Police held out the prospect of getting officers back on the beat."Once funding is confirmed, police will backfill these roles to enable staff to return to the frontline," it told ministers.Police play a vital role in court presenting evidence from their investigations. They have a duty to disclose what they have to defence lawyers. However, delays have been bedevilling this 'disclosure' process and tripping up cases.In August, a High Court murder trial in Auckland was aborted after it emerged police had not disclosed 250 photographs and two notebooks in time. Police are reviewing what happened in that trial, and RNZ has asked for the outcome.The OIA briefings noted that defence lawyers were too often being left in limbo by delayed disclosure."Defence lawyers do not have sufficient information to properly advise defendants about whether or not to elect a jury trial, so they advise defendants to elect a jury trial just to preserve their options," a briefing said.This was one reason the wait list for district court jury trials has almost doubled since 2018, to 1700 cases. The wait time has recently lifted from 374 days to 500."This presents risk to the integrity of, and public confidence in, the court system and adversely affects participants including defendants, victims/survivors and witnesses," police told ministers in July.New guidelines for the High Court came out in March, to introduce pre-trial conferences between both sides "to put measures in place to avoid delay in making disclosure from disrupting criminal trials".The courts told RNZ on Tuesday the Justice Ministry had not collected any data to measure the impacts of the guidelines.Retired district court judge,Dr David Harvey in online comments said that the "same approach should be adopted in the DC [district court] without delay"."I recall disclosure often clogged the progress of a case. Very frustrating and a churn contributor," he said.Police's $26m spend was on top of $90m for the courts to get another 15 judges, under the Criminal Process Improvement Programme, or CPIP, that began being tested in three district courts in September. This also introduced new "demand-driven" scheduling for when and where it heard cases.In the police plan, the need for a strong back office was clear."Providing administrative support to progress a case will enable more timely disclosure and free up frontline staff for deployment into communities or emergencies."Police told ministers its plan aimed "to quickly make a significant difference in capability and capacity".It had to move away from a"just-in-time operating model" towards what it dubbed "meaningful court appearances", "to ensure we have ongoing public confidence in the court systems, and victims and defendants receive the service they expect and deserve".Short-term jobs would be turned into fixed-term ones, and they would take on some subject matter experts for initial hearings and bail applications."File quality will improve, and disclosure will be made in an increasingly timely way, resulting in a reduction in the number of adjournments."A project manager position was expected to pay $365,000, and a change manager $360,000. Most support staff in the plan would be paid well over $120,000 a year."There will be a focus on providing surge capability across the country to respond to increases in location-based demands and challenges."This story was originally published by RNZ

Why Rural Schools Rule
Why Rural Schools Rule

31 October 2023, 5:42 PM

Leah Tebbutt, Producer and Reporter.Tomarata School is more than a school - it's a hub for the community that surrounds it. While chickens cluck loudly in harmony with the sound of children playing, cows peer over the neighbouring fence to glimpse what they're missing out on. In the summer evenings, a pile of utes line the school fence while the farmers that drive them use the school's courts for a match of tennis.And while Country Life visits, pupils are busy planting fruit trees kindly donated by Ballance Agirnutrients. Click here to listen to the audio filePrincipal Chris King believes there is such a unique element to a country school that they will always exist. "I understand why there's a pull to a bigger school. There may be different opportunities there. "But the uniqueness of a small school and the more personalised approach to education, I think it's really special and I think the community recognises that."Tomarata school pupils planting fruit trees. Photo: RNZ/Leah TebbuttTomarata is Auckland's northernmost school situated halfway between Pakiri Beach and Mangawhai in the Wellsford area. It's just shy of celebrating 90 years after being established in 1934, which is a feat for any country school after many rural-based schools were shut down under Trevor Mallard at the turn of the century.King says in a community such as Tomarata the school is a hub and its role and importance shone earlier in the year when a local family's house was affected by the Auckland floods. King says they found comfort at the school where staff made them cups of tea and cared for them until short-term housing was available. There are 62 children on the Tomarata School roll. Photo: RNZ/Leah Tebbutt"I think the community views the school as a meeting place and a place that's historical and important to the community."There's just a lot of community buy-in to the school, not just the parent community."Tomarata School is host to an orchard, chickens, vegetable gardens, and an off-site Nature Classroom, set in native bush, where students learn bush craft, plant identification, and how to be kaitiaki of the natural environment. King says the rural philosophy helps children feel connected. "It's part of our school's vision that kids will be outdoors, enjoying the outdoors, being healthy and getting involved. So things like having the fruit trees and the chickens and the vegetable gardens, are just ways to get kids outdoors and interacting with nature."You see the smiles on their faces. And I guess that's reassurance that we're on the right track."One of the benefits of rural schools is the ability to connect with nature. Photo: RNZ/Leah TebbuttOnce, dozens of local farms sent their children to the school, however, as these farms have been bought by bigger corporate setups the student population has changed, King says."Now, there are many children who come from families of farm workers. These families often move around from season to season, so our student population has become quite nomadic."There are 62 children on the school roll. King hopes there will be another, somewhat special pupil, starting soon - his daughter.King was enlisted as the principal at the beginning of the year. He, his wife and four-year-old daughter made the 1700km journey from Invercargill. "The thing that appealed to me was...reading the vision and values of the school and it resonated with me. And my wife and I had the conversation that wouldn't that be a great school to send our daughter to."This story was originally published by RNZ

Cavendish banana plantations 'doomed' as virus spreads - Northland grower
Cavendish banana plantations 'doomed' as virus spreads - Northland grower

30 October 2023, 9:24 PM

One of the world's most common banana varieties - Cavendish - is facing possible extinction, stoking concerns of a worldwide shortage.A fungal disease called the Panama Disease TR4 is spreading to plantations across the world.It is a big threat to the Cavendish banana, which about half of the world's population imports and eats.Northland banana grower and Tropical Fruit Growers of New Zealand chair Hugh Rose told Morning Report anyone who was growing Cavendish bananas as a monopoly would be "doomed eventually, if they get that virus into their plantations"."I don't think it's the last word for bananas."He said banana varieties were spread across the world and they "mutate quite successfully in different soils and different conditions"."Cavendish was developed - and I don't really know the history - in England as a banana. It's a laboratory-grown banana and each one is a clone and a direct replica of the other one."So when you plant out 100,000 trees, they're all identical and along comes the disease and wipes out the plantation. But no, never fear ... those experts in the science community will produce another variety."Rose said "99.9 percent" of the banana produce in New Zealand was Cavendish.He said he was a small collector. "I think about 40 odd different varieties. I'm always keen to get some more that's of edible bananas."Cavendish varieties came from "various research stations and notably Israeli Cavendish, Honduran Cavendish, and of course the British".However, the bananas grown in New Zealand were tastier, he said."Cavendish is grown mainly through a thick skin so it transports easily and [has] uniformity of appearance and size. Whereas the typical Auckland backyard banana is usually a variety known as Misi Luki ... and that has a much creamier texture to the flesh, much sweeter."In Australia, the government has put out an alert on its website: "Panama TR4 is a serious banana disease that has been found on farms in Far North Queensland. It is caused by a fungus that lives in the soil. The fungus is not eradicable and can survive in the soil for decades without host plants."In some countries, it has had a devastating impact on industries and livelihoods. If not managed it has the potential to do the same in North Queensland."This story was first published by RNZ

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