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Mahurangi Community Sport and Recreation Centre Receives $2.25 Million

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19 October 2020, 4:00 PM

 Mahurangi Community Sport and Recreation Centre Receives $2.25 Million  The Mahurangi Community Sport and Recreation Centre

The Mahu Community Sport and Rec Collective has been awarded $2,250,000 from the Auckland Council to build its indoor multi-sport facility at the Warkworth Showgrounds.

The money was approved from the Sport and Recreation Facility Investment fund out of a total pool of $4.2 million. The collective says it is an outstanding result and could not have been achieved without the support of all the member sport clubs. 

Gerard van Tilborg, Chair of the Mahu Community Sport and Recreation Collective Board, says that as the Mahurangi community continues to grow rapidly, there is an increasing demand for additional recreational space, as well as more appetite for indoor sports and activities. 

He describes the funding support as ‘significant’ and says that it demonstrates the support of Auckland Council for the community and continued investment in health and well-being through sport and recreation in the area.

“We are absolutely delighted,” says Mr van Tilborg. “A multisport indoor facility at Warkworth Showgrounds will take sport and recreation in the Mahurangi area to the next level. With the support of Auckland Council and the community we have already developed fantastic outdoor facilities at the showgrounds, and adding a multi-use, flexible indoor facility will truly round out this key community hub; now made up of 12 different sports clubs and rapidly growing playing membership of more than 3000.”

The next step for the project is to get landowner approval and progress an application for a lease.

“I am over the moon to see this level of support for the community. This demonstrates confidence in the future for the area as it grows and addresses the need for high quality well-managed community facilities. Personally, I’ve been involved in advocating for this facility for over 10 years and it feels like a real achievement to get to this point,” said Mark Illingworth, long-time member and current president of Mahu Community Sport and Recreation.