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Power Play: Speedy transfer of power a show of caucus unity
Power Play: Speedy transfer of power a show of caucus unity

22 January 2023, 8:07 PM

Power Play - The Labour Party has entered a new era with the election of Chris Hipkins as prime minister and Carmel Sepuloni as his deputy.There's something surreal about how quickly it's all happened; a Sunday afternoon media conference with Hipkins and Sepuloni at the podium, and to think one of Jacinda Ardern's last public acts as prime minister was to auction off a signed Hansard copy of her "arrogant prick" comment with ACT leader David Seymour.Her bombshell - only last Thursday - immediately sparked intense discussions among MPs about the future. Once the matter of leader was settled, attention turned to how the party would best represent Māori, women, Auckland and Pasifika - all wrapped up in the new structure with senior Māori MP Kelvin Davis staying on deputy leader of the party wing.Grant Robertson will keep the role of finance minister but has stepped aside as deputy prime minister to make way for Sepuloni, who is of Samoan, Tongan and New Zealand European descent. Like Ardern, Hipkins and Robertson she, too, is from the class of 2008.The MP for Kelston, Sepuloni has been a steady pair of hands in the social development portfolio and makes history as the first Pasifika deputy prime minister.Her Cabinet colleague, Aupito William Sio, could barely contain his emotion as he made his way into the caucus room, wearing his ula fala - a necklace worn by Samoan high chiefs for times of celebration."It's historic, the dreams and aspirations of many of our parents and grandparents."Sepuloni talked about breaking the news to her sons, welling up as she spoke about their messages of pride; but she said she'd held off telling her father, who had been in Samoa this past week, as she "didn't want to run the risk of him telling the whole village over there before he returned".Hipkins took the opportunity to address his own personal situation, as the father of two young children, one at school and one at kindy, talking about the break-up of his marriage last year."It's bloody hard, families come under an enormous amount of pressure."A year ago, my wife and I made the decision that we would live separately, that we would do everything we can to raise our children together, we remain incredibly close, she's still my best friend," he said."But we have made that decision in the best interests of our family. My view is that the only people whose business that it is, is my own."Hipkins said he would not putting his children into the public arena and asked their privacy be respected.As to the governing side of things, he said the government would focus on the "bread and butter" issues, the cost of living pressures facing low and middle income New Zealanders and small businesses. No different in the messaging coming from Ardern at the end of last year, but a deliberate emphasis on getting back to basics.What that looks like, however, has yet to be articulated.Looking at the leadership contest, it was swift and bloodless, carried out with little apparent political damage - either internally or to the Labour Party brand.The speed and professionalism with which MPs executed this transition is in stark contrast to what Labour inflicted upon itself in the post-Clark years, and then the National Party in opposition after that.There was a clear motivation to get this sorted by the Sunday 1pm deadline. Firstly, it meant the caucus had 100 percent say; if it had gone on to the next stage, MPs' influence would have been diluted, getting 40 percent alongside the membership at 40 percent, and affiliated unions at 20 percent.The other risk is the longer the contest goes, the less patience the public has for politicians talking about themselves and the greater risk of open conflict or criticism between contenders. Anyone involved in the Labour contests done that way in the past will also remember how long they took, and there's simply not the time for weeks of campaigning in this climate.Andrew Little stepped aside as leader in 2017 for Ardern, and after some bruising leadership battles of his own, said this contest had been "encouraging"."We've had, in our history, some pretty rocky experiences ... this indicates a new level of maturity, a real unanimity of purpose," he said.Sepuloni also remembers those times well, describing former leadership battles as a "rough ride"."It's a relief that we are in the place that we are and we have been for quite some time, and it is a unified caucus."She said there was "no need to explain how it's been in the past ... it's played out very publicly and we certainly have all learned lessons from that".Hipkins and Sepuloni will be sworn-in on Wednesday, but he will hit the ground running today with the regular round of morning media interviews.He will go to Rātana tomorrow, accompanying Ardern on her last outing as prime minister. On Wednesday he will chair his first Cabinet, then front the media briefing. The rest of the week will be taken up with meetings with business leaders in Auckland and starting work on the policy reset and Cabinet reshuffle.

Chris Hipkins' first decision: A deputy dilemma
Chris Hipkins' first decision: A deputy dilemma

21 January 2023, 7:36 PM

By Sam Sachdeva for Newsroom*Analysis - Barring drama to match any of the past few years, we now know the identity of New Zealand's next prime minister.With Chris Hipkins the sole nominee to replace Jacinda Ardern as Labour Party leader, and the two-thirds majority he requires to avoid a more formal contest seeming like a formality, it is the Remutaka MP who is set to emerge as the nation's new leader on Sunday afternoon.But who will be standing alongside Hipkins to nod supportively as his deputy prime minister?In some respects, that could be seen as a tougher decision than settling on the top job.A deputy leader needs to complement the skill set and character traits of their boss, as well as their more rudimentary demographics and geography. They should be confident and skilled enough to step in seamlessly when the leader is away - but not so talented and ambitious as to inspire speculation about whether the batting order is the wrong way around.Labour has already had to navigate these issues under Ardern.When she took over from Andrew Little ahead of the 2017 election, her preference surely would have been to have Robertson as her deputy, given their close friendship and similar views; when Robertson made a failed run for the Labour leadership in 2014, it was with Ardern as his preferred 2IC.But with the pair too alike (both former political staffers, and sitting towards the left of the Labour spectrum) it was instead ex-school principal Kelvin Davis who became the party's first Māori deputy leader.After New Zealand First fell out of Parliament at the 2020 election, meaning Winston Peters vacated the position of deputy prime minister, Ardern had to deal with another conundrum.Would it be Davis who replaced Peters, given his existing leadership role, or would she take the opportunity to elevate Robertson?Again, her choice would have naturally been the latter given some of Davis' struggles when filling in as prime minister, but given the importance of Māori representation within the party forcing him out would have been a dangerous move.In the end, Davis sacrificed himself for the greater good, staying on as the party's deputy leader but stepping aside to let Robertson take on the deputy prime ministership.In theory, there is no vacancy for either position - but in reality, it seems likely that both will lose those roles, given Hipkins will want to put his own stamp on the party and the government.The sensitivities that emerged around Davis' decision, as well as the importance that Labour has assigned to improving Crown-Māori relations, are why many expect Hipkins' deputy to hail from the Māori caucus.In a vacuum, Nanaia Mahuta would be the perfect candidate. As Labour's longest-serving MP, a minister in two separate governments and a member of Māori royalty, the Foreign Affairs Minister has the requisite mana both inside the party and Māoridom.But the toxicity that has surrounded the Three Waters policy, as well as the way Mahuta has become a lightning rod for scaremongering about the government's co-governance agenda, make such an appointment a tough sell (even if she could be persuaded to run).Defence Minister and Tāmaki Makaurau MP Peeni Henare, one alternative, does have the requisite standing and has performed ably in his ministerial portfolios, in addition to hailing from Auckland.But given suggestions that Henare has been eyeing the exit door ahead of the election, as well the fact his appointment would mean two men atop the party, makes that unlikely.That was why Kiri Allan, a rainbow Māori MP and perfect demonstration of Labour's argument that it best represents the diversity of Aotearoa, had seemed a natural choice for many. However, she reportedly ruled herself out Saturday morning, clearing the way for Social Development Minister Carmel Sepuloni.Sepuloni has been one of the government's more reliable performers in what can be a difficult portfolio given supporters' expectations, and her name has come up frequently as a contender.She is Tongan rather than Māori, but Labour's growing Pasifika caucus may well have some sway of its own, while she hails from Auckland to offset Hipkins' Wellington roots.Sepuloni also appears to enjoy a warm relationship with the putative prime minister, and is respected across the party.But how would the Māori caucus feel about having no representation in any of the three top ministerial roles? (While there are no guarantees, it seems highly likely Robertson will stay on as finance minister which would presumably command the third ranking in Cabinet).It is still Hipkins who will have the greatest impact on Labour's re-election chances - but who he picks to run alongside him, and how it is received by the party, could well be a significant factor too.

Auckland overnight motorway closures 22 – 29 January
Auckland overnight motorway closures 22 – 29 January

21 January 2023, 7:28 PM

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises of the following closures for motorway improvements. Work delayed by bad weather will be completed at the next available date, prior to Friday, 27 January 2023. Please note this Traffic Bulletin is updated every Friday.Check daily updated closure informationUnless otherwise stated, closures start at 9pm and finish at 5am.NORTHERN MOTORWAY (SH1)Southbound lanes between Oteha Valley Road off-ramp and Upper Harbour Highway on-ramp, 22 JanuaryOteha Valley Road southbound on-ramp, 22 JanuaryGreville Road southbound on-ramp, 22 JanuarySouthbound lanes between Oteha Valley Road off-ramp and Upper Harbour Highway on-ramp, 23-26 January (approx. 8:00pm to 5:00am)Oteha Valley Road southbound on-ramp, 23-26 January (approx. 8:00pm to 5:00am)Greville Road southbound on-ramp, 23-26 January (approx. 8:00pm to 5:00am)Northbound lanes between Upper Harbour Highway off-ramp and Greville Road on-ramp, 22-24 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Upper Harbour Highway northbound on-ramp, 22-24 JanuaryNorthbound lanes between Tristram Avenue off-ramp and Upper Harbour Highway on-ramp, 25-26 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Tristram Avenue northbound on-ramp, 25-26 JanuaryStafford Road northbound off-ramp, 22-26 January (approx. 10:30pm to 5:00am)Curran Street northbound on-ramp, 22-26 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)CENTRAL MOTORWAY JUNCTION (CMJ)Hobson Street southbound on-ramp, 22-24 JanuaryHobson Street westbound on-ramp, 22-24 JanuaryNelson Street northbound off-ramp, 25-26 January (approx. 11:00pm to 5:00am)SH1 northbound to SH16 westbound link, 25-26 January (approx. 11:00pm to 5:00am)SH16 eastbound to SH1 southbound link, 22-24 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH1 northbound to SH16 eastbound (Port) link, 25-26 January (approx. 11:00pm to 5:00am)Westbound lanes between Stanley Street off-ramp and Wellesley Street East on-ramp, 22-24 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH16 (Port) westbound to SH1 southbound link, 22-24 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Symonds Street southbound on-ramp, 22-24 JanuaryGrafton Road southbound on-ramp, 22-24 JanuarySOUTHERN MOTORWAY (SH1)Southbound lanes between Fanshawe Street off-ramp and Greenlane on-ramp, 22-24 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Khyber Pass Road southbound on-ramp, 22-24 JanuarySt Marks Road southbound on-ramp, 22-24 JanuaryNorthbound lanes between Greenlane off-ramp and Symonds Street on-ramp, 25-26 January (approx. 11:00pm to 5:00am)Gillies Avenue northbound on-ramp, 25-26 JanuaryGreenlane northbound on-ramp, 25-26 JanuarySouth-Eastern Highway (SEART) northbound on-ramp, 23-24 JanuaryMt Wellington Highway southbound on-ramp, 25 JanuaryHighbrook Drive southbound off-ramp, 24 JanuaryNorthbound lanes between Ramarama off-ramp and Drury/SH22 on-ramp, 22-26 JanuaryRamarama northbound on-ramp, 22-26 JanuaryNorthbound lanes between Ramarama off-ramp and Drury/SH22 on-ramp, 28 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Ramarama northbound on-ramp, 28 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)NORTHWESTERN MOTORWAY (SH16)Northbound lanes between Lincoln Road off-ramp and Brigham Creek Roundabout, 22 January (approx. 10:30pm to 5:00am)SH16 northbound to SH18 eastbound link northbound on-ramp, 22 January (approx. 10:30pm to 5:00am)Lincoln Road northbound on-ramp, 22 January (approx. 10:30pm to 5:00am)Lincoln Road northbound off-ramp, 24-27 JanuaryLincoln Road southbound off-ramp, 23 JanuaryLincoln Road northbound off-ramp, 23 JanuaryNorthbound lanes between Great North Road off-ramp and Great North Road on-ramp, 22-26 January (approx. 10:00pm to 05:00am)Rosebank Road northbound off-ramp, 22-27 JanuaryGreat North Road northbound on-ramp, 22-26 January (approx. 10:00pm to 05:00am)UPPER HARBOUR MOTORWAY (SH18)Albany Highway westbound on-ramp, 26 JanuaryWestbound lanes between Albany Highway off-ramp and Tauhinu Road on-ramp, 25 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Albany Highway westbound on-ramp, 25 JanuaryEastbound lanes between Tauhinu Road off-ramp and Greenhithe Road on-ramp, 25 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Westbound lanes between Squadron Drive off-ramp and Hobsonville Road on-ramp, 23-24 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Squadron Drive westbound off-ramp, 25-26 January (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Brigham Creek Road westbound off-ramp, 22-24 & 26 JanuaryBrigham Creek Road westbound on-ramp, 23-24 January

Road works at Warkworth Hill Street/Sandspit Road Intersections
Road works at Warkworth Hill Street/Sandspit Road Intersections

20 January 2023, 7:48 PM

Our role is to ensure that people can move around the city easily and safely. Auckland Transport and its contractor AECOM / Geotechnics are set to start work on Pavement and Utilities Investigations in Warkworth at the SH1 / Hill Street / Sandspit Road intersection and Matakana / Sandspit Road intersection. Where Hill Street, Brown Road (SH-1), Great North Road (SH-1), Elizabeth Street, Sandspit Road and Matakana Road, Warkworth, Auckland When (start date) 24th January, 2023 Hours of work Day shift (Mon-Fri) between 9AM and 4PM, Night shift (Sun-Thu) between 8PM and 5AM For (duration) 1.5 Months (please note that there will be no works between 5AM 27th January 2023 and 8PM 7th February 2023) The work we’re doing We’re doing this work to maintain and improve your neighbourhood and to keep our communities safe. The drawings overleaf show where we’ll be working. We’ll do our best to start the work on time. Factors such as wet weather could mean a delayed start. If the delay is significant, we’ll notify you. We know our work can be a bit loud, and that noise – particularly at night – can be disrupting. We try our best to avoid working at night but sometimes it is necessary in order to avoid wider disruption on the network or to get the job done faster. If we have to work at night, we’ll do our best to keep noise levels down. We’ll handle traffic flow in and out of the area, and any detoursWe will use a mix of temporary traffic signs (like stop/go signs) and traffic lights, and a lower speed limit. We do this to keep traffic moving and keep people who use the roads and footpaths safe. Traffic controllers will help to manage vehicle access. Please follow all signs, light signals and traffic directions. You’ll need to reduce your speed when you’re driving through the area. Please follow all signs, light signals and traffic directions. Street parking may be limited during these hours. You may need to either park on your property or on a side road and walk to your property. Any vehicles parked in the work area will be towed to a safe position a short distance from the work site and may be returned to its original position by our approved towing company. Every effort will be made to locate the owner before towing. However, to avoid any inconvenience we would appreciate if you could park your vehicle away from the work area on scheduled work shifts.Contact Us If you have any queries or concerns about the works taking place please contact: Geotechnics – Shirleen Gummer Site Investigation Coordinator [email protected] 027 201 2136 Or Geotechnics – Lance Bauern Pavements Investigation Lead Technician [email protected] 021 118 1636 Alternatively you can contact AT’s call centre on 09 355 3553 or email [email protected]. To learn more about this project please go to Thank you for your understanding and co-operation whilst we carry out these essential works. Ngā mihi, Infrastructure Project Delivery Integrated Networks

Public transport headaches greet commuters returning to work
Public transport headaches greet commuters returning to work

18 January 2023, 6:56 PM

People in the country's two biggest commuter cities are facing heavy public transport disruption as they return to work this week.Driver shortages and railway works have left people in Pōneke and Tāmaki Makaurau stranded at the station, facing long waits, and forking out for other transport.In the capital, many weekday buses are running on a Saturday timetable until the end of the month - slashing services by 20 percent.That is in addition to 180 services that have been temporarily parked since October.At rush hour on Lambton Quay, commuters' woes included double the transport time, packed buses, and long waits at the stop.Greater Wellington Regional Council's transport chair Thomas Nash said the council knew what a headache the disruptions caused, but it was left with no choice."We're forced into this situation because of a chronic shortage of drivers for buses around the country, and in Wellington."We're doing what we can to make sure that the drivers who we do have get a decent rest, and this is really the only option we saw in front of us."As of last month, the Metlink network was short 125 drivers.But there may be a light at the end of the bus tunnel - even if it's dim and flickering."We are hopeful that sometime by the middle of this year, we'll be able to remove some of those suspended services and get back to a normal level of service, and indeed, start to begin to expand our frequency and reach."That hinged on recruitment efforts, which Nash said had been intense.The government's new immigration rules giving bus drivers a pathway to residency had helped.One of Metlink's operators, NZ Bus said so far 100 overseas candidates had accepted job offers.The first cohort should be at the wheel in the next two months.Another operator, Tranzit, said it was campaigning to bring students and retirees into the fold.The bus driver shortage was also causing headaches in the City of Sails, but the trains were the talk of the town.Yesterday was the first day of a two-month closure of six rail stations on the Southern and Onehunga lines while Auckland Transport works on the City Rail Link.Commuters at Britomart said while trains were replaced by buses, they took far longer - meaning they could not get to work on time unless they took a taxi.Next in line for disruption are commuters on the eastern line, with work set to begin there in March, closing five stations.

Man scammed out of $40,000, banks repeat warnings not to share passwords
Man scammed out of $40,000, banks repeat warnings not to share passwords

16 January 2023, 8:55 PM

Bank customers beware is a frequent message this summer as a number of organisations urge New Zealanders to watch out for financial scams.However one BNZ customer who lost his savings said banks should be doing more to protect people.It looked like a simple email from his bank and Sam Clayton did not hesitate to respond.In a flash, $41,000 was stolen from his BNZ account."I logged into my BNZ and I just saw half of these accounts were just empty," he said.$5000 here, $2000 there, to a variety of different names and accounts.Money from recently selling the family home, as well as savings from his two-year-old son's account, all gone."It seems like these scams are going on quite often, we're pretty much in a position where we don't know where to go from here."While about $15,000 quickly bounced back, he was still several thousand dollars out of pocket.To make matters worse, he had not heard from the bank in more than a month."How easy is communication in this day and age?" he asked.BNZ said unfortunately because Clayton gave the scammers the code, which gave them access to his account, the bank was unable to return a large part of his stolen money.In a statement to RNZ, BNZ corporate affairs manager Cliff Joiner said in these instances, the money was impossible to get back.He said BNZ would never ask for customers' passwords nor send an email or text message with a link asking customers to click to log in.Sending a hyperlink was a common tactic used by scammers, cybersecurity agency CERT NZ's incidence response manager Jordan Heersping said."Most cyber attacks these days are financially motivated, and we'll see lots of scam and phishing attacks that are focussed on getting into people's bank accounts and taking control of their finances," Heersping said.But there were several ways people could keep themselves and their money safe: Making use of strong passwords and not giving them to anyone you did not trust completely, and setting up valid two-factor authentication for all accounts.Too little, too late for Clayton, who was still pushing BNZ to refund the remaining balance.He said banks needed to put effort into guiding customers away from scams, rather than leaving them in the dark.Meanwhile, the Bankers Association had launched a "take a sec to check" campaign, to alert people about how to prevent getting scammed online.

Man, 90, left bleeding on bathroom floor with head injury for two hours while waiting for ambulance
Man, 90, left bleeding on bathroom floor with head injury for two hours while waiting for ambulance

15 January 2023, 8:24 PM

A 90-year-old man was left bleeding from his head on the bathroom floor for over two hours this week, despite paying for a St John ambulance emergency alarm.The man's relative is upset about the delay, with doctors saying he could now be forced into rest home care for his own safety.St John has defended its response time, saying it must prioritise the most life-threatening calls and balance this with available resources and patient demand.On 10 January, the man, who wishes to remain anonymous, was getting ready for bed in his Birkenhead home when he fell and hit his head.After falling, the man used his medical alert bracelet to call for an ambulance just after 8.30pm, which also alerted his sister-in-law and main carer Heather Braae.When she arrived at his home, she found the pensioner curled up on the bathroom floor, bleeding from his head.Braae said she was deeply concerned for her brother-in-law, and sat there with him waiting for an ambulance which she thought would never arrive."They called every hour to see if his condition had gotten any worse, and they told me to not move him and to not give him anything to eat or drink," Braae said.The ambulance finally arrived at 11.10pm, with the elderly man left lying injured for two and a half hours.Braae said her brother-in-law remained in the hospital yesterday and was being closely monitored by doctors.She also said this was not the first time he'd had a prolonged wait for an ambulance.In July last year, he had to wait four hours after becoming trapped in his bedroom, tangled in sheets.But Braae said she wasn't angry with St John. She instead felt pity for stretched paramedics who were inundated with callouts."I feel so sorry for the drivers, I'm sure it's not their fault."I'm sure they're overworked and very stressed, the system isn't working for anyone."A St John spokesperson said the service was experiencing high demand at the time of the man's latest callout and the patient was advised there may be a delay in getting an ambulance to the property."St John will always prioritise the most life-threatening calls first," the spokesperson said."This means that when someone requests an ambulance for a non-life or limb-threatening problem, there may be a delay."The length of this delay was reliant on many factors, including the patient's geography and the number of ambulances and ambulance officers already offering critical care in the community at that time."Any delay is always regrettable, and we acknowledge the added distress it may have on someone who is already facing a worrying or traumatic situation."Statistics from St John show that for urban Auckland in the year to June 2022 there was a higher proportion of callouts in life-threatening situations where paramedics failed to arrive within the targeted response times than the prior year.The annual report says 2021/22 "saw increased pressure on the ambulance service as all health services came under increasing pressure".St John had implemented new measures to mitigate high demand and pressure on service delivery, including rolling out additional ambulances, introducing centralised crisis and operation centres, and bringing in a remote clinical telehealth triage system to help manage increased demand.The man's case comes amid a health system crisis that has seen hospitals under massive pressure on the back of winter illnesses and Covid-19, with claims of serious under-resourcing and burned-out medical staff.National's health spokesperson Dr Shane Reti said he's heard variations of similar narratives over the last three weeks, which is a consequence of a health system that is very clearly in a crisis.National's health spokesperson Dr Shane Reti said this was a consequence of a health system that he believed was "very clearly in a crisis". Photo: RNZ / Samuel RillstoneHe described the issue with ambulance wait times as a "logistics chain" which blocks up at either end, with A and E being the centre of that chain."When you look outside A and E at the moment, what you'll see is ambulances doing something called ramping," Reti said."They have patients in the ambulance but A and E is so full, they can't receive them, so they sit on the ramp for hours."Because the ambulances are sitting on the ramp full, they can't be dispatched out to the community to pick up urgent cases.He also said he is aware that St John has their own workforce issues, with a number of ambulances officers with Covid 19 at the moment, causing mass staff shortages."I have concerns for what this winter might bring across the whole sector," Reti said."Primary care, secondary care, they're just so exhausted."Age Concern chief executive Karen Billings-Jensen she said was concerned if anyone was waiting and asking for assistance but unable to receive it quickly.Aged Concern was fully aware of how overburdened all health services currently were, she said.National's health spokesperson Dr Shane Reti said he'd heard other examples in recent weeks of patients waiting longer for ambulances.Reti said it was a consequence of a health system that he believed was "very clearly in a crisis".He described the issue with ambulance wait times as a "logistics chain" which blocks up at either end, with accident and emergency departments being the centre of that chain."When you look outside A&E at the moment, what you'll see is ambulances doing something called ramping," Reti said."They have patients in the ambulance but A&E is so full, they can't receive them, so they sit on the ramp for hours."Because the ambulances are sitting on the ramp full, they can't be dispatched out to the community to pick up urgent cases.He also said he is aware that St John has its own workforce issues, with a number of ambulances officers with Covid-19 at the moment, causing mass staff shortages."I have concerns for what this winter might bring across the whole sector," Reti said"Primary care, secondary care, they're just so exhausted."- This story was originally published on the New Zealand Herald

Returned and Services Association struggling financially as it faces modernising, president says
Returned and Services Association struggling financially as it faces modernising, president says

15 January 2023, 12:59 AM

More funding is needed to assist veterans, including those who have served in recent defence deployments overseas, the Returned and Services Association says.Newly elected president Sir Wayne Shelford said $2 million raised on Poppy Day and other grants received did not go far enough to support more than 30,000 veterans and their families.As a voluntary organisation the RSA was struggling financially, he said.''The money doesn't go very far. It is always an up-hill battle and that is the main issue facing the RSA, that of funding.''We need the money to actually look after our returned servicemen and women.''There was a need for about eight paid, highly skilled support workers across the country, he said.''If we had another couple of million dollars per annum I think would cover a lot of the wages for the extra support staff and things like that and what we need to do at the same time, Veterans' Affairs need to look at themselves because they are a little bit slow on determining what is going on with the health and well being of these people (veterans).'''Modernising' the RSAThe organisation was just as relevant today as it was when founded in 1916, Sir Wayne said. However, it was important to attract younger veterans.''Since 1990 we have basically created approximately 40,000 veterans. People who have been in the military, been overseas, been in campaigns, and you know that is a lot of people who have been overseas in the last 30-years and have been in our forces.'''Forty thousand veterans created but we only know of 30,000 getting support. The other 10,000 we don't know where they are.''Once they left the military the RSA did not know where they went.''They become civilians and get involved in civilian life. A lot of the younger ones forget that the RSA is here to support them.''We will eventually find them. They are out there. A lot of them just don't want anything to do with the military after doing 20-25 years or even five years. They just get on with their lives.''The RSA was trying to make it more relevant to younger people who had served, and it had to reinvent itself, Sir Wayne said.''A lot of younger vets see it (RSA) as for old persons, but we don't, we actually think there is relevance there for them. If you want to take your family to the RSA then you have to have something their for the kids.''It's (about) modernising the RSA's to welcome families.''The question for members was where they wanted the RSA to be in 10 years, Sir Wayne said.''Is it going to be looking the same as it is now? Well, at the moment she's pretty dated, you know.'''A lot of the RSA's are dated as regards to decor, but other have refurbished themselves and have done a really good job. Some of the modern ones are really, really nice. That is probably more relevant for younger vets.''The RSA was slowly setting up having small offices staffed by volunteers on Defence Force bases across the country.''While the NZDF is there first to assist serving personnel, the RSA is there as a back stop if they need any help.''Sir Wayne, better known as a former All Black captain, served in the Royal New Zealand Navy. A high-profile gained over the years may have been a factor in him being elected national president, he said.Sir Wayne believed the RSA hasd a lot of support with the public. "It only comes really only once a year with Anzac Day.''

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