01 December 2023, 5:53 PM
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency advises of the following closures for motorway improvements. Work delayed by bad weather will be completed at the next available date, prior to Friday, 8 December 2023. Unless otherwise stated, closures start at 9pm and finish at 5am.NORTHERN MOTORWAY (SH1)Southbound lanes between Orewa off-ramp and Silverdale on-ramp, 3-7 December(approx. 9:00pm to 5:00pm)Orewa southbound on-ramp, 3-7 DecemberMillwater southbound on-ramp, 3-7 December(approx. 9:00pm to 5:00pm)Northbound lanes between Silverdale off-ramp and Orewa on-ramp, 3-5 DecemberSilverdale northbound on-ramp, 3-5 & 7 DecemberNorthbound lanes between Oteha Valley Road off-ramp and Orewa on-ramp, 6 DecemberSilverdale northbound on-ramp, 6 December(approx. 10:00pm to 5:00pm)Oteha Valley Road northbound on-ramp, 6-7 DecemberNorthbound lanes between Greville Road off-ramp and Silverdale on-ramp, 7 DecemberGreville Road northbound on-ramp, 7 DecemberSouthbound lanes between Oteha Valley Road off-ramp and Greville Road on-ramp, 3-5 & 7 DecemberOteha Valley Road southbound on-ramp, 3-5 & 7 DecemberNorthbound lanes between Greville Road off-ramp and Oteha Valley Road on-ramp, 4 December (approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)Greville Road northbound on-ramp, 4 DecemberSouthbound lanes between Northcote Road off-ramp and Onewa Road on-ramp, 4 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Northcote Road southbound on-ramp, 4 DecemberEsmonde Road southbound on-ramp, 4 DecemberShelly Beach Road southbound off-ramp, 3-7 DecemberCENTRAL MOTORWAY JUNCTION (CMJ)SH1 southbound to SH16 (Port) eastbound link, 3-4 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH16 eastbound to SH1 northbound link, 3-4 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH16 eastbound to SH1 southbound link, 3-4 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH16 eastbound to SH16 (Port) link, 3-4 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SOUTHERN MOTORWAY (SH1)Tecoma Street southbound on-ramp, 3-7 DecemberEast Tamaki Road northbound off-ramp, 3 DecemberEast Tamaki Road northbound on-ramp, 3 DecemberSouthbound lanes between Redoubt Road off-ramp and Papakura on-ramp, 3 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH1 southbound to SH20 northbound link, 3 December(approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Redoubt Road southbound on-ramp, 3 DecemberTakanini southbound on-ramp, 3 DecemberSouthbound lanes between Takanini off-ramp and Takanini on-ramp, 4-7 December(approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)Papakura (Loop) northbound on-ramp, 4-5 DecemberNorthbound lanes between Drury/SH22 off-ramp and Papakura on-ramp, 4-5 DecemberDrury/SH22 northbound on-ramp, 4-5 DecemberBeaver Road northbound off-ramp, 4 & 7 DecemberBeaver Road northbound on-ramp, 4 & 7 DecemberNikau Road northbound on-ramp, 4 & 7 DecemberRidge Road northbound off-ramp, 5-6 December(approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)Razorback Road northbound on-ramp, 5-6 DecemberSH1 northbound to SH2 eastbound link, 5-6 December(approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)Pokeno northbound on-ramp, 5-6 DecemberTe Kauwhata southbound on-ramp, 1-3 December (24/7)NORTHWESTERN MOTORWAY (SH16)Southbound lanes between Foster Road and Trigg Road, 5-6 DecemberNorthbound lanes between Trigg Road and Foster Road, 5-6 DecemberSouthbound lanes between Matua Road and Riverhead Road, 1 December(approx. 6:00pm to 8:00pm)Northbound lanes between Matua Road and Riverhead Road, 1 December(approx. 6:00pm to 8:00pm)Eastbound lanes between St Lukes Road off-ramp and Grafton Road on-ramp, 3-4December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)St Lukes Road eastbound on-ramp, 3-4 DecemberSt Lukes Road westbound off-ramp, 4-6 DecemberUPPER HARBOUR MOTORWAY (SH18)Westbound lanes between Greenhithe Road off-ramp and Tauhinu Road on-ramp, 5 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Eastbound lanes between Tauhinu Road off-ramp and Greenhithe Road on-ramp, 5 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Squadron Drive eastbound on-ramp, 5 DecemberEastbound lanes between Brigham Creek Road off-ramp and Brigham Creek Road on-ramp, 5 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SOUTHWESTERN MOTORWAY (SH20)Northbound lanes between Maioro Street on-ramp and SH16 links (Waterview northbound tunnel closed), 4 DecemberMaioro Street northbound on-ramp (Waterview northbound tunnel closed), 4 DecemberLambie Drive southbound off-ramp, 5-6 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Southbound lanes between Lambie Drive off-ramp and SH1 links, 3 December(approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)Lambie Drive southbound on-ramp, 3 DecemberSH20 southbound to SH1 northbound link, 3 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)SH20 southbound to SH1 southbound link, 3 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)GEORGE BOLT MEMORIAL DRIVE (SH20A)Northbound lanes between Kirkbride Road off-ramp (SH20A) and Coronation Road on-ramp (SH20), 7 DecemberKirkbride Road northbound on-ramp, 7 December