Ministry of Primary Industries
24 September 2023, 6:06 PM
Catch limits and allowances across a range of fisheries will change from 1 October 2023 as part of Fisheries New Zealand's regular sustainability review.
The changes are part of a 6-month cycle of catch limit reviews conducted by Fisheries New Zealand, says Fisheries New Zealand's director of fisheries management, Emma Taylor.
"These reviews are about ensuring long-term sustainability so there are plenty of fish in the water for current and future generations to enjoy.
"Catch limits are adjusted based on the best available science information along with feedback from the community. This tells us what's happening in our fisheries and helps identify what course of action to take.
"Where there is evidence more fish can be harvested sustainably, we look to increase limits, and this is the case for 8 of the stocks reviewed. On the other hand, if the information suggests a stock isn't as healthy, we look at reducing the catch limits to help the fishery recover as we have for 2 of the stocks reviewed."
In addition to the catch limit changes, deemed value rates for 3 stocks have also been reviewed and adjusted. These are the fees commercial fishers pay for catch that is outside of their Annual Catch Entitlement (ACE).
"The adjustments to deemed value rates have been made to reflect market value and to incentivise commercial fishers to catch within the limits that are set for the year."
Most of the changes are for commercial catch limits except for kina which has also had an increase to the allowance for customary fishing recognising the significance of kina as a taonga species and local source of kaimoana.
Summary of the changes
Public consultation on the proposed changes took place between June and July 2023.
A prohibition on all commercial kina dredging in Tory Channel in the Marlborough sounds will also take effect on 1 October 2023. Proposals to restrict kina dredging in Tory Channel were publicly consulted between January and February as part of Fisheries New Zealand's April sustainability review
Fisheries New Zealand provides recommendations to the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries who makes the final decisions. The advice from Fisheries New Zealand is based on the latest stock assessments, feedback from tangata whenua, recreational and commercial fishing interests, environmental interests, and the public.
"I'd like to thank tangata whenua and everyone who provided feedback during the public consultation," Emma Taylor said.
More information about the consultation including the minister's decision