Kaipara District Council
15 October 2023, 6:13 PM
We’ve been working with Mangawhai Surf Club on temporary lifeguard facilities. Two temporary buildings and a shipping container have already been moved onto the lower car park, and a second shipping container will be delivered sometime this week.
Fencing will remain up around closed parts of the reserve, including Mangawhai Heads lookout and public tracks behind the clubhouse, as well as around the lower car park where Mangawhai Surf Club will operate.
The Mangawhai Surf Club and surrounding area remains off limits to the public due to a significant landslide behind the clubhouse.
The beach is still accessible for the public by using the northern access track, across from the upper car park.
Thank you for your patience while Council and Mangawhai Surf Club work on long-term solutions for the Club and access at Mangawhai Heads Recreation Reserve.