10 December 2022, 8:46 PM
Yesterday Dome Valley was in carnage with many reports of the newly paved road peeling off tar and sticking to car tires causing total havoc. The affected section is at the northern end of the Dome about 4km south of the Mangawhai turn-off.
More than 40 motorists called in to complain in the afternoon. Many cars had to pull over and attempt to scrap off the tar and stones stuck on their tires and car body. The situation was made worse by the sticky mess being kicked from car tires onto passing cars.
Late in the afternoon contractors were directing traffic away from the problematic areas. Motorists were told to avoid the area.
Waka Kotahi encourages anyone who has received damage to their vehicle as a result of this issue to lodge a compensation claim with Fulton Hogan for action. This can be done by emailing [email protected] or phoning 09 4700 718.