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Are You An Artist? Mahurangi Artist Network Wants You.

Matakana Coast App

The Matakana App

30 July 2020, 6:00 PM

Are You An Artist? Mahurangi Artist Network Wants You.

Mahurangi Artist Network is looking for more artists to open their studios to the public for their annual Mahurangi Artists’ Studio Trail, which was a huge success last year.

Talia Russel with her colourful printmaking

The Mahurangi Artist Network is an artist-led, local initiative that brings together creatives from Pakiri to Puhoi, in order to boost artist profiles and creative interactions. The Studio Trail, which will be held over Labour weekend, invites artists to open their studios, homes or collective spaces to visitors in October. The studios form an art trail, which visitors follow with a downloadable map. This annual event is a great opportunity for artists to meet the public directly and explain their practice.

The Artist Network is particularly looking for artists in Puhoi and Mahurangi West to extend the trail.

The 2020 Mahurangi Artists Studio Trail will be held on the following dates: 16th, 17th and 18th of October as a pop up / studio event at the Old Masonic Hall in Warkworth with artist stalls and demonstrations. Then the main event, the Open Studio Arts Trail, is over Labour Weekend: 24th, 25th and 26th of October, 2020. You are welcome to partake in one or both activities.

If you would like to find out more, please email [email protected] or take a look over the new Mahurangi Artist Network website: