29 November 2024, 8:04 PM
Unless otherwise stated, closures start at 9pm and finish at 5am. Traffic management may be in place before the advertised closure times for the mainline. NORTHERN MOTORWAY (SH1) • Northbound lanes between Northcote Road off-ramp and Constellation Drive on-ramp, 1-5 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)o Tristram Avenue northbound on-ramp, 1-5 December (approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)o Northcote Road northbound on-ramp, 1-5 December (approx. 9:30pm to 5:00am)• Stafford Road northbound off-ramp, 1-5 December• Curran Street northbound on-ramp, 1-5 December SOUTHERN MOTORWAY (SH1) • Southbound lanes between East Tamaki Road off-ramp and Manukau on-ramp, 5 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)o East Tamaki Road southbound on-ramp, 5 Decembero SH1 southbound to SH20 northbound link, 5 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)• Southbound lanes between Takanini off-ramp and Papakura on-ramp, 1 December (approx. 9:30pm to 5:30am)o Takanini southbound on-ramp, 1 December (approx. 9:30pm to 5:30am)o Papakura (Loop) southbound on-ramp, 1 December (approx. 9:30pm to 5:30am)• Papakura southbound off-ramp, 2-5 December• Papakura (Loop) southbound on-ramp, 2 & 5 December• Papakura (Diamond) southbound on-ramp, 3-4 December• Papakura northbound off-ramp, 1-2 & 5 December• Northbound lanes between Papakura off-ramp and Takanini on-ramp, 3-4 Decembero Papakura (Diamond) northbound on-ramp, 3-4 Decembero Papakura (Loop) northbound on-ramp, 3-4 December• Southbound lanes between Drury/SH22 off-ramp and Ramarama on-ramp, 2-3 & 5 Decembero Drury/SH22 southbound on-ramp, 2-3 & 5 December• Southbound lanes between Drury/SH22 off-ramp and Bombay on-ramp, 4 Decembero Drury/SH22 southbound on-ramp, 4 Decembero Ramarama southbound on-ramp, 4 December• Northbound lanes between Bombay off-ramp and Ramarama on-ramp, 4 Decembero Bombay northbound on-ramp, 4 December• Bombay northbound off-ramp, 5 December• Beaver Road northbound on-ramp, 5 December• Beaver Road northbound off-ramp, 5 December• Nikau Road northbound on-ramp, 5 December• Nikau Road southbound off-ramp, 1 December• Southbound lanes between Nikau Road off-ramp and Nikau Road on-ramp, 3 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)• Northbound lanes between Ridge Road off-ramp and Nikau Road on-ramp, 3 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)o Razorback Road southbound off-ramp, 3 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)o SH1 southbound to SH2 eastbound link, 3 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)• Southbound lanes between Pokeno off-ramp and Pokeno on-ramp, 3 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)• Northbound lanes between Pokeno off-ramp and Pokeno on-ramp, 3 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)• Southbound lanes between Mercer off-ramp and Mercer on-ramp, 1 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)• Northbound lanes between Mercer off-ramp and Mercer on-ramp, 1 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)o Pokeno northbound off-ramp, 1 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)• Southbound lanes between Mercer off-ramp and Mercer on-ramp, 2 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)o Pokeno southbound off-ramp, 2 Decembero Pokeno southbound on-ramp, 2 December• Northbound lanes between Mercer off-ramp and Mercer on-ramp, 2 December (approx. 10:00pm to 5:00am)NORTHWESTERN MOTORWAY (SH16) • Southbound lanes between Foster Road and Riverhead Road, 6 December (approx. 6:00pm to 8:00pm)• Northbound lanes between Riverhead Road and Foster Road, 6 December (approx. 6:00pm to 8:00pm)• Southbound lanes between Waimauku Roundabout and Trigg Road, 1 December (approx. 6:00pm to 6:00am)• Northbound lanes between Trigg Rd and Waimauku Roundabout, 1 December (approx. 6:00pm to 6:00am)• Northbound lanes between Foster Rd and Trigg Rd, 2-4 December (approx. 8:00pm to 5:00am)• Southbound lanes between Trigg Rd and Foster Road, 2-4 December (approx. 8:00pm to 5:00am)• Southbound lanes between Waimauku Roundabout and Trigg Road, 5 December (approx. 8:00pm to 5:00am)• Northbound lanes between Trigg Rd and Waimauku Roundabout, 5 December (approx. 8:00pm to 5:00am) UPPER HARBOUR MOTORWAY (SH18) • Westbound lanes between Trig Road off-ramp and Hobsonville Road on-ramp, 4 December (approx. 8:30pm to 5:00am)o SH18 westbound to SH16 southbound link, 4 December (approx. 8:30pm to 5:00am)• Hobsonville Road westbound off-ramp, 1-3 & 5 December (approx. 8:00pm to 5:00am) SOUTHWESTERN MOTORWAY (SH20) • Northbound lanes between Maioro Street on-ramp and SH16 links (Waterview northbound tunnel closed), 2 Decembero Maioro Street northbound on-ramp (Waterview northbound tunnel closed), 2 December• Southbound lanes between Walmsley Road off-ramp and Massey Road on-ramp, 30 November & 7 December (approx. 7:00pm to 10:00am)o Walmsley Road southbound on-ramp,30 November & 7 December (approx. 7:00pm to 10:00am) STATE HIGHWAY 2 (SH2) • SH2 westbound to SH1 southbound, 3 December