02 September 2022, 11:28 PM
Today is the last day for you to have your say on what path tourism will take in our region.
Our Local Board and Tātaki Auckland Unlimited (AU) are working with the Matakana Coast community and operators to create a Destination Management Plan. AU has commissioned Stafford Strategy to assist this process.
The area included in the scope of the DMP extends from Puhoi through Warkworth/Wellsford, across to Tapora and Mount Albert and across to Te Hana and Te Arai.
Destination Management means not just promoting a destination, but having a plan that manages sustainable growth and that aligns with mana whenua and community desires while ensuring the environment is protected and restored.
Essentially, it's about having a path for tourism to truly support the quality of life of our community and our environment.
This survey provides you with the opportunity to have your say. Your responses will be kept confidential and are only being sent to Stafford Strategy.
This survey will close at 11.59 pm, 3rd September 2022.
Here is the link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MatakanaCoastDMPSurvey