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Upcoming Road Closures

Matakana Coast App

The Matakana App

09 June 2021, 6:13 PM

Upcoming Road Closures A new motorway viaduct being constructed that passes through a regenerating Kauri forest. Image Ara Tūhono - Pūhoi to Warkworth

Over the next few weeks, various roads in the area will be closed overnight to enable construction on the Ara Tūhono Pūhoi to Warkworth project.

Beginning on June 13th, Carran Road will be closed so the NX2 group can install culverts across the road.

For safety reasons and to minimise the disruption to the travelling public, the work will be carried out at night. A small section of Carran Road will be closed between 13 and 22 June 2021, from 8.00 p.m. to 5.00 a.m. (No work will take place on Friday and Saturday nights). 

There will be an overnight closure of the northbound Hibiscus Coast Highway off-ramp near the Johnstones Hill Tunnels on Monday 14 June, 2021. This closure will allow workers to safely replace the temporary barriers on the Hibiscus Coast Highway northbound on-ramp.

The night works are scheduled for between the hours of 900 p.m. .and 4.00 a.m. when traffic volumes are lower. There may be a small delay while works are happening,

Starting June 23rd, NX2 will be installing large panels and undertaking bridge deck works on the Woodcocks Road Bridge across Woodcocks Road. A small section of Woodcocks Road will be closed for four weeks starting 23 June 2021, between 8.00 p.m. to 5.00 a.m. (No work will take place on Friday and Saturday nights).

The dates are all weather dependent and the roads will remain open if works cannot be undertaken. Signposted detours and traffic management will be in place. As the detours may add extra time to journeys, people are encouraged to plan their travel outside the closure hours, where possible.