Kaipara District Council
30 September 2022, 8:56 PM
Mangawhai will soon have land designated for future public sporting and recreational facilities following a unanimous decision by Kaipara District Council to purchase a 5.8 hectare block of land in Mangawhai Village. The decision was made by Elected Members at the 28 September Council Meeting.
Close to 93 percent of those who took part in a survey to assess community support for the proposed land purchase were in favour of the purchase.
The purchase is not impacting rates, as the Council will draw on the current pool of reserve contributions to buy the land. Reserve contributions are funds collected from developers or property owners who are subdividing their land. Reserve contributions can only be used to purchase or upgrade open spaces, and funds can only be used in the catchment area they were collected from, in this case Mangawhai.
The Council has collected on average $2.7 million in reserve contributions each year for the last two years in Mangawhai. The current balance of the reserve contributions fund for Mangawhai is around $8 million.
Mayor Dr Jason Smith welcomed the decision and acknowledged the Mangawhai community’s engagement with the survey.
“There is a real lack of infrastructure in Mangawhai and we are playing catch-up to growth that has already happened. This money that came from Mangawhai is being reinvested back in that town to address some of the gaps in park facilities. We have taken up a very rare and special opportunity to secure suitable public land in a great location, near the current sports field Domain, Mangawhai Beach School and the shared path. Thanks to the community for great encouragement of this idea.”
Respondents noted the importance of securing land in Mangawhai now “before it is too late.” They had many ideas about how they would like the land to be developed.
The land – which will cost up to $5.9million to purchase – is on Moir Street, close to the Domain and within walking distance to Mangawhai Beach School and the Village shops. The Council will engage further with the community in the future to understand what sports and recreational facilities should be developed on the land. Once options have been developed, these will be included in Council’s Long Term Plan. Development will be based on projections from future Reserve Contributions.