The Matakana App
15 January 2021, 7:10 PM
Visitors and residents of the Whangateau Harbour are being reminded that a total ban on harvesting cockles and pipi is still in place over the Whangateau Estuary.
The reminder comes after multiple reports of people harvesting from the estuary have been reported on local Facebook pages.
The Ministry of Primary Industries has confirmed that there is still a total ban in place for cockle and pipi harvesting. The shellfish beds have been closed since 2009 when there was a large die off of cockles due to two naturally occurring pathogens. Monitoring undertaken by the Whangateau Harbour Group and the University of Waikato indicated that over half of cockles at monitoring sites perished during this event, including 80% of large (over 30mm) cockles.
If you see anybody obviously harvesting shellfish there, MPI have asked that you report them via their 800 4 POACHER phone line (0800 47 62 24) and they will endeavour to get one of their patrols to attend.
Filter feeding shellfish clean the water as they feed. When shellfish beds are healthy, this action leaves the water in estuaries like Whangateau Harbour crystal clear. Harvesting bans allow shellfish populations to recover. In Whangateau Harbour, the effects of cockle harvesting have been compounded by the mass die-off, and the cockle population is still recovering 11 years on.
It is clearly sign-posted that gathering of any shellfish is prohibited so stocks can be replenished.
Penalties for breaking these rules can range from instant fines of $250 to $500, to court appearances and the possibility of losing fishing equipment, boats and vehicles on the spot.