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Prepare For Water Shortages

Matakana Coast App

The Matakana App

12 October 2020, 10:38 PM

Prepare For Water Shortages

We are moving into what is predicted to be another dry summer. As the weather begins to warm up, there are things that many of us may need to be consider. 

Last summer, those on tank water were facing waits of up to six weeks for water deliveries, so people are being urged to think ahead and plan for water shortages now. Here are a few ways that you can prepare:

Understand your usage. Fit a tank level indicator and monitor usage in the periods between significant rain events. Get to know your normal and then learn what steps you can take to reduce usage to make your storage capacity last longer.

Consider additional storage capacity now. Adding additional capacity will reduce your requirement for water delivery during long periods without significant rainfall. However, there will be no point in investing in additional storage capacity unless tanks are installed before the summer. There are often lead times for delivery of new tanks and installers need to be booked as well. If you are considering additional capacity, act now.

Don't leave it until the last minute to book a water delivery. Water carriers will be busy this summer, just as they were last year. Helensville, Muriwai, Warkworth and Wellsford are currently unaffected by the water restrictions that apply to Watercare’s metro network as they have their own independent supply. However, last summer the huge demand from tank water suppliers meant that at times the filling stations had their flows limited to ensure there was adequate pressure to fire hydrants. This slowed down deliveries making the demand situation worse. This situation will repeat itself this summer if there is another drought.

Emergency 20-litre filling stations will be available this summer. However, due to budget cuts the supplementary tanker service provided will not be. This is why the council are urging people to think about their tank supply now, and to get in touch with their local tank supplier, because leaving it until the end of the year or mid-summer will be too late.

Council is looking at how it can assist with rural supply by developing additional capacity from suitable private bores. If you have one of these and would be interested in discussing your water supply with council, please contact Phelan Pirrie, Rodney Local Board Chair on 021 837 167 or email: [email protected].