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Not the first time sewerage leaking onto streets of Warkworth

Matakana Coast App

The Matakana App

21 December 2022, 9:39 PM

Not the first time sewerage leaking onto streets of WarkworthToilet paper from recent sewerage leak

Some locals in Warkworth have noticed raw sewerage leaking out of overflow pipes and manholes and running into roadside gutters and all over the road recently over the last few weeks.

Sewerage flowing down the road

A business owner commented on a local Facebook community page that this has been happening for years, with the Council doing nothing about it. Sewerage poses a severe health risk.

As you can see from photos there is macerated toilet paper on grass near a footpath. Currently the sewerage is leaking near Bridgehouse Lodge and flowing into the river, which will then make its way out to sea.

The $123 million water treatment plant currently being built in Snells Beach,  is not due to be finished until the end of 2024 (original date 2021). The existing Warkworth and Snells Beach wastewater treatment plants will be decommissioned when the new Snells Beach plant opens.

Council was aware Warkworth wastewater network had limited capacity for population according to Water and Wastewater Servicing Plan 2019 (Warkworth Structure Plan).

Treated wastewater is released into the Mahurangi river near the pant. Snells beach wastewater treatment plant will discharge into the Hauraki Gulf, south of Martins Bay.