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New Zealand Shake Out on 27th October

Matakana Coast App

19 October 2022, 6:55 PM

New Zealand Shake Out on 27th October

New Zealand ShakeOut is our national earthquake drill and tsunami hīkoi.

It's taking place Thursday 27 October 2022 at 9:30am.

What is New Zealand ShakeOut and tsunami hīkoi?

ShakeOut takes place across the world to remind people of the right action to take during an earthquake. Drop, Cover and Hold. You can also practice a tsunami hīkoi (evacuation walk) if you're in a coastal area.

Information for schools, businesses and individuals

Find ShakeOut information for schools and early childhood centres. We know that when kids are involved in preparing for emergencies, they encourage their families to be more prepared. And they play a more active role in responding to and recovering from emergencies.

Find ShakeOut information for business and organisations. An emergency plan is a health and safety requirement. Not having one is a big risk for your business and the people in it.

Find ShakeOut information for individuals, households and families. Taking part is a great way for your whānau to learn the right actions to take before, during and after an earthquake and tsunami.

For more information visit: