Mangawhai Activity Zone (MAZ)
06 September 2022, 8:34 PM
Earlier this year, the MAZ committee was successful in receiving $200,000 in funding from the NZ lotteries commission. This amount was quickly matched by the Kaipara District Council from the reserve contribution fund, bringing us to a total of $400,000 to cover the costs of our new flow bowl. This work is scheduled to break ground in the next couple of weeks and will likely take 2 to 3 months to complete.
6 days ago on the 31st of August, the KDC unanimously agreed to forward MAZ another $200,000 from the RCF to preemptively match the final contribution we need to finish not only our street plaza, but the skatepark project as a whole. This generous gesture from the KDC will cover the costs to finalise planning the street plaza as well as building 50% of it. All going well, this will take place shortly after the completion of the flow bowl.
After over 10 years in the planning and making of this skatepark, the end is in sight and feels more achievable than ever before with only $200,000 more needed to complete the park entirely. All going well, we will see this in 2023.
We would like to sincerely thank both the Lotteries Commission and the KDC for what they have given us and all of Mangawhai this year as well as Contrax and @rich.landscapes for all the assistance they have provided along the way.
On behalf of the MAZ committee, we would like to especially thank our chairman, Mr. Colin Gallagher. Without your guidance, perseverance, tenacity, know how and lets be honest... Stubbornness, none of this would have been possible. We are all very proud to work with you.