Here's your LOCAL BUSINESS NEWS - dont forget to shop local and support local. Get out of your comfort zone and try some new places!
- Snells Beach Four Square is still being built and off track a bit with their open, previously it was due to open October, looks like December now. But they are advertising for staff already. Check out their FB page for more details.
- Ascension Wine Estate which has been on the market for nearly two years has finally sold for an undisclosed amount and will soon be handed over to the Catholic Diocese of Auckland. The purchase price has not been disclosed, though the listing suggested a figure of $7.5 million.
The diocese has plans to establish a new church and community centre on the 6.23-hectare property, located just outside Warkworth.
- There is a new business on the block in the small town of lights Kaiwaka. Kaiwaka Laundromat is up and running by the same owners as the Maungaturoto Laundromat. Open 24/7 - with state-of-the-art machines and eftpos/paywave/credit card facilities.
Located on the main highway opposite Kaiwaka Cheese Shop an Eutopia Cafe at 1956 SH1, Kaiwaka. Here is their FB page.

- Chocolate Brown is back – previously closed awhile back it is now open again during weekdays 10am - 3pm selling chocolates, sweets and fudge. The café is NOT open. In the same premises 6 Mill Lane, Warkworth.
- Toast on Wood Street has recently opened in Mangawhai Heads, funnily enough located on Wood Street! They offer all sorts of goodies, not just gourmet tasty toasties…also coffee, poke bowls, soup, and even a range of house plants and other pretty things! Go get your Toast on today

If you have other local business news you want featured email us at [email protected]
Tell us your stories, we want to tell them to our community.