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HAVE YOUR SAY - Where to next for Wellsford's cherished Centennial Park?

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Auckland Council

18 November 2022, 8:20 PM

HAVE YOUR SAY - Where to next for Wellsford's cherished Centennial Park?

The Wellsford community can help ensure Centennial Park serves the area for generations to come during masterplan consultations open until 16 December 2022.

Rodney Local Board Chairperson Brent Bailey says: “The park is a cherished part of Wellsford life and making sure future generations continue to use and value it is critical.

“A draft plan was developed working alongside mana whenua, current park users, Rodney College students and residents, and now we want to hear from the wider community.

“Residents are encouraged to have their say on what they like and don’t like about the draft. We want to hear about people’s priorities for the park, and any other suggestions they might have.”

The 16-hectare park provides for much of the community’s formal sports and recreation, but most of the assets belong to clubs and are in varying condition. 

The masterplan will guide development after being shaped by public feedback, with decisions on a final plan resting with the local board.

The masterplan addresses a wide range of concerns, including the development of toilet and changing facilities, the future of the park’s tennis courts, creating netball facilities, shelter for archery, parking, lighting, safety, play spaces, passive and active recreation, and creating connections to the park’s assets.

It also looks at what might be achieved in the short-term – one to five years, and what might be better accomplished over a longer timeline – five to 10 years.

Bailey says implementing any plan is always subject to finances but about $2million has been allocated to renew council-owned assets in the park over the next five years.

With consultation closing on 16 December, feedback will be compiled and analysed early next year, with a final plan expected to be put before the local board in April.

People can contribute their ideas using feedback forms available at the Wellsford Library and AK Have Your Say webpage.

A drop-in session designed to engage with children and young families will also be held at the Wellsford Friday Night Market on Friday 25 November from 4-6pm.

Signage has been created for use in the area, and a poster including a QR code linking to the AK Have Your Say webpage will be sent to all key stakeholders and community groups.

An email informing mana whenua, key stakeholders, Harbour Sport and other community groups and clubs will provide further detail on the consultation process, and how those groups can provide feedback.

There is also an email address that can be used, [email protected]