Anita Savin for Matakana Coast App
01 November 2022, 7:52 AM
Mangawhai St John Opportunity Shop GRAND REOPENING!!
After a year delay due to various factors such as Covid and lockdowns the St John Op shop is finally opening!!
This weekend they are having a ceremonial opening with local Kaumatua blessings.
This coming Monday 7th they are opening the doors for trade! Open 9am.
Grand opening will be sometime soon on a Saturday. Date is yet to be advised, but a sausage sizzle and balloons will be featuring!
A massive sense of relief for all those involved in the process to make it happen. As well as anticipation and excitement for locals who love a good bargain hunt!
Photo credit: Stephanie Anne Adams
This store has come a long way since its humble beginnings when it originally started out at the Hub (where the Council now is). It then moved to a small residential house in the village, which 18 months ago closed its doors and new premises were obtained.
The old St John Op Shop that needed replacing
The shop was started by a group of passionate members of the Mangawhai community who had a goal to raise funds to build an ambulance station which was lacking at the time. The journey has continued to today - a brand new and bigger building still in the heart of the village.
Offerings in the new store will include clothes, household items, bric a brac, toys, linen, books, puzzles, DVDs and more. Furniture will come later, and the store will evolve as they settle.
Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday 9am – 4pm
Sunday 10am -2 pm
The team intends on trading right through the festive season, a great idea for the influx of holiday makers coming soon and to make up for lost time in delays!
Mangawhai branch St John comes under the Bream Bay area committee. They decide how funding is dispersed to community initiatives; therefore, all funds stay local.
Please head along soon to support this wonderful store from Monday 7th November.