Ministry of Primary Industries
17 January 2023, 6:56 PM
*CONSULTATION* Fisheries New Zealand is seeking feedback on the draft Fisheries Plan to help Revitalise the Hauraki Gulf.
The draft plan has three outcomes focused on the environment, sustainable utilisation, and better governance, which seeks to restore the waiora and mauri of one of New Zealand’s most important marine environments.
The draft plan proposes a range of actions underlined by a commitment to an ecosystem-based fisheries management approach. These include:
removing bottom trawl and Danish seine fishing methods except within carefully selected access areas or “trawl corridors”.
improved management of scallop fisheries in the Hauraki Gulf
restoring fisheries abundance at the stock level and within the Gulf through management strategies to address localised depletion
reviewing intertidal harvesting controls
supporting greater mana whenua and regional participation in fisheries management.
To find out more or have your say:
The closing date for submissions is 5pm Friday, 3 March 2023.