The Matakana App
28 September 2020, 7:19 PM
Auckland Council have finally spoken on their stance on the proposed landfill in the Dome Valley, saying that plans should be refused because of cultural and environmental concerns.
Chinese-owned private waste firm, Waste Management, has promised its new dump would be environmentally sound. However, the valley's iwi and landowners worry any breach in the dump's lining could spill poisons into the Hōteo River. The Hōteo empties into Kaipara Harbour, where sedimentation already plays havoc with marine life.
Independent consultant planner Mark Ross has prepared a report ahead of the resource consent hearing in November.
Over the two-month submission period, there were 958 oppositions from the public, while only 10 were in support of the plans.
“The reporting officer is recommending, subject to contrary or additional information being received at the hearing, that the application be refused,” the newly released report stated.
Cultural values, the impact on freshwater and the surrounding ecosystem, sedimentation and air pollution, environmental and human health risks, traffic safety and the rural character of the area were all taken into consideration in the report.
An Auckland Council spokeswoman said Ross' report was a recommendation and the final decision on whether the dump could be built will be made by independent commissioners following a resource consent hearing starting on November 9.,2020 at Warkworth Town Hall.