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Reset Urban Design

Reset Urban Design

Reset Urban Design is a specialist urban design and landscape architecture consultancy with office in Auckland and Wanaka, serving a diverse range of projects across New Zealand, Asia and the Pacific Islands.

With over 60 years of combined experience we offer a total design service in landscape architecture and urban design projects including rural and urban parks, waterfront, cycle and walkways, town centres, streetscapes and plazas, housing and retail developments, expert assessments, masterplanning and strategic planning.

Reset has worked on many projects in the Matakana area, including Brick Bay & Matakana Village, square, farmers market and Playgrounds.

Leading our practice is New Zealand’s most prolific Landscape Architect / Urban Designer and author Garth Falconer. Together with Associate James Paxton and a versatile team of highly skilled senior professionals, we have an established track record of innovation and added value in delivering game changing projects.

We collaborate and assist clients, both public and private, and coordinate with other expertise to create a holistic design-led approach. We value passion and accountability as we work directly and responsibly to achieve sustainable outcomes for our clients that impact positively on the social, economic and environment fabric of our communities and the planet.