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Country Show Day - Kaipara Flats School

Country Show Day - Kaipara Flats School

Fri 28 Oct 2022, 9:00 PM - Sat 29 Oct 2022, 1:30 AM

20 School Road, Kaipara Flats

Country Show Day - Kaipara Flats School

Fill Ya Boots At Kaipara Flats School Country Show Day

29th Oct

10am -2.30pm

In various forms, Show Day is a fantastic school, community event drawing crowds from near and far. We are very proud hosts of this event. As Show Day has grown in size over the years, more stalls have been introduced and the fundraising activities run by our senior classes have become more adventurous and student led. 

The main part of our day is spent celebrating the rural traditions of our school and community, which we all cherish. Our children are encouraged to raise a farm animal, caring for and training the animal so that they can proudly show them in the animal ring on the day, demonstrating all of their hard work.

Our children share crafts created around concepts they are learning about in class with exhibits in the classrooms. We encourage you to join us on the day.